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ABOUT TISNT outreach suggestions  |  educators: sign up now!

Are you ready to ensure that you will have students in your classes a few years from now?


Please email the following information to the TISNT Registry:
  1. Your Name
  2. Your School
  3. Your Telephone Number (this will not be shared with anyone without your permission)
  4. Your Email Address (this will not be shared with anyone without your permission)
  5. A description of the class(es) -- subject, number of students, etc. -- you will involve in TISNT
At the end of each semester for which you sign up, we will invite you to submit a brief description of the outreach accomplished by your students. If you choose to respond, we will use it to improve our "outreach suggestions" page and recognize individuals and teams for exemplary creativity, efforts, and accomplishments.

In any event, your name, institution and TISNT-related classes will be posted in the TISNT Registry page coming soon to this web site.

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