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© 1999-2025 The Foundation for Space Exploration. All Rights Reserved.
ABOUT FSX mission  |  leadership  |  grantmaking

Space exploration is an endeavor that involves far more than the "rocket science" of an elite few. Within it lies the capability of all people to reach out into the cosmos to better their lives on Earth.

We believe that an independent, non-governmental, non-commercial institution is required to help define the long-term goals and objectives of space exploration and development, to educate the young people whose lives will be changed by space capabilities, and to demonstrate continually that space exploration is essential to our future. That institution would be a link that helps government, industry, and higher education conduct their exploration and development programs in space. It will join with universities and research institutions to ensure a continuing flow of research results of significance to exploration. And, it will provide mechanisms for the sharing of accomplishments, insights, and new technologies for the benefit of all people.

We aim to make The Foundation for Space Exploration that new institution.

The Foundation for Space Exploration has been established with specific philanthropic goals in its charter and a growing core of dedicated people and benefactors who wish to contribute to the world's intellectual, economic, and social health in direct and visible ways. The Foundation for Space Exploration is not a space advocacy group. Several already exist which effectively promote Space activities, and enable broad public participation through their lobbying campaigns, conferences, and range of membership benefits.

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