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Announcing the "FSX Signature Initiative"

The Board of Directors has initiated an extensive expansion of the role and scope of the Foundation. Focusing on areas underserved by other sources, FSX will provide much needed creativity and resources to effectively articulate how space is both our future and our emerging present. The following new programs have been launched:

  • "That Is SO Not True!"TM - A "near-peer" campaign to regain and retain the interest of middle and high school students in math, science and technology studies.
  • FSX Mission Grants Program - FSX will periodically announce the availability of grant funding for research in selected areas of interest within its Mission.

FSX Development Campaign - To support this growth, the Board has also initiated a far-reaching Development Campaign, Leadership Expansion Program, and Volunteers Program. We invite you to look into joining us in one or more of these efforts; contact ContactUs, to start the process.

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